VT Transaction +

VT Transaction+ is a fully featured accounting/bookkeeping package for Windows. VT Transaction+ can be used in a wide range of circumstances from small incomplete-records jobs to companies with hundreds of thousands of transactions. It can also be used to process and adjust trial balances.

VT Transaction+ has an integrated ledger structure that includes a cashbook, customer and supplier ledgers and is based on double entry principles. VT Transaction+ can contain an unlimited number of accounts and transactions.

VT Transaction+ is flexible and easy to use, data entry is very fast and transactions and entries can be easily edited. Many users prefer it to better known packages.

Users of VT Final Accounts can automatically import a trial balance from VT Transaction+ and drill down directly to transactions.


Rapid data entry screen for entering a mixture of payments and receipts directly from bank statements (includes AutoComplete feature)

Spreadsheet style Universal Input Sheet for copying and pasting or importing transactions from other systems

Any number of bank accounts can be set up. Easy to use bank reconciliation feature

Transactions and entries can be easily edited or deleted

Fully integrated cash book, sales, purchase and nominal ledgers

Fully automatic year-ends. Any financial year can be selected at any time. Year-end dates can be altered at any time. Year-ends do not have to be set up

Periods can be locked (and unlocked subject to password protection)

Profit and loss account and balance sheet in tax return format can be displayed, printed or exported to tax software packages (for unincorporated businesses)

Unlimited number of clients/companies

Single file for each company containing all the data for that company. Files can be easily emailed or copied between PC’s

Sales invoicing

VAT returns

VAT cash accounting

Automatic import of trial balance from other accounts packages

Choice of journal entry methods (classic and trial balance style)

Can be used interchangeably with files created by the free VT Cash Book program to enter journals and finalise accounts

Comprehensive reports

All reports are on-screen and can be printed to paper or a pdf file

All reports can be copied and pasted in whole or in part to any spreadsheet

Departmental costing

Custom ledgers

Custom transaction types


Straight forward backup and restore process

Supplier remittance advices

Customer statements

Credit control letters

Comprehensive help topics


Prices (excl VAT)

VT Accounts suite

First year including support

Single user license £199 (additional licenses same site £99 each)

Subsequent years including support

Single user license £150 (for existing additional licenses same site £75 each)


VT Transaction+

Outright purchase + support for 12 months

Single user license £125 (additional licenses same site £99 each)

Optional support subscription in subsequent years

Single user license £100 (additional licenses same site £75 each)


Help Videos.